01/26/2022 Annual Meeting Highlights

The annual meeting of the association was conducted on-line via Go-To-Meeting, on January 26, 2022, at 5:30 PM.  The meeting notice and agenda was mailed to each owner of the lot; as well as posted on the Association’s website, and emailed to members and residents that had submitted their email address to the Association Secretary.

The meeting was attended by three of the five directors, Derald Owens, Joe Recchio and Todd Fedoruk; as well as the recently appointed HOA Manager, Jose Becerra.  No additional homeowners attended this meeting,

With a quorum of directors being established, and (24) twenty-four of (64) sixty-four ballots being submitted via US Mail to Cadden Community Management; a quorum of the membership being reached as well, the annual meeting proceeded.

Ballot Results

  • Approve 2021 Annual Meeting Minutes 24 -Yes, 0-No 
  • Re-Elect Joe Recchio to the Board 36 – Yes, 0 – No
    Note: The Board had two vacancies, this allowed for a maximum of two votes per ballot to be cast; either both votes for one candidate, or one vote per candidate.

    There were no other candidates listed on the ballot and there were no write-in candidates entered. 

    We are still short one Board member. The Directors will seek out any interested homeowners willing to serve, and be appointed to the Board.

Treasurer’s Report

  • 2021 Expenses
    Expenses were within budget, with a 1% positive variance.  Cost overruns in insurance and landscaping were offset in cost reductions in other areas. The three major expenses for the association are Administrative, Landscaping, and Reserve Funding.
  • 2022 Budget
    This 2022 budget is a 5.5% increase from 2021, basically covering inflationary increases; and an increased percentage of assessments dedicated to the reserve fund. This increase is to have sufficient funds for a road resurfacing expense in 2027.

    The three largest expenses still remain as Administrative, Landscaping, and Reserve Fund Requirements, respectively.
  • Adjournment
    Without any further business to discuss, the annual meeting was adjourned and the Organizational Meeting to select officers was called to order.

  • Selection of HOA Officers for 2022
    The Board agreed to keep the assignment of officers the same as in 2021, with one exception. Hugh Mosher was selected as Vice President, replacing the retiring Ken Harry. The list of officers for 2022, is shown below.

    Board of Directors and Officers of the Association
    Board Term
    PresidentDerald Owensderaldowens@msn.com
    Vice PresidentHugh Moshersandhmosher@gmail.com
    Secretary/TreasurerTodd Fedoruktrfedoruk@yahoo.com
    Member at LargeOPEN
    Member at LargeOPEN