About Us

Association’s Purpose

The Association is a non-profit corporation which serves as the governing body for all Owners and Members for the protection, improvement, alteration, maintenance, repair, replacement, administration and operation of the Common Area (including but not limited to the private roadways, drainageways, detention basins and the slope easements), the assessment of expenses, payment of losses, disposition of casualty insurance proceeds, and other matters as provided in this Declaration, the Articles, the By-Laws, and the Rules.

Our Mission

Our mission is to further promote the interests of our association and our members to the community. We strive to make a difference by improving the community in which we live.

Board of Directors and Officers of the Association
Board Term
PresidentDerald Owensderaldowens@msn.com
Vice PresidentHugh Moshersandhmosher@gmail.com
Secretary/TreasurerTodd Fedoruktrfedoruk@yahoo.com
Member at LargeJoe Recchio jrrecchio@gmail.com
Member at LargeOPEN