Category Archives: Election

Call for Board Candidates

Call for Board Candidates
The Board of Directors is seeking candidates for one “open” Board seat in 2025. The 3-year term held by Joe Recchio is ending this January. The Board wishes to thank Joe for his service to our community.

Any HOA member wishing to volunteer their time and talents by serving of the Board of Directors, is encouraged to contact our HOA Manager or any Board member and declare their intension to run for this seat.

An election will be held, with ballots mailed to Association Member households in early January 2025, as part of our Annual Meeting activities.

The deadline for having your name on the ballot in time for the Annual Meeting packet printing is December 15. After that date, anyone wishing to run for a seat on the Board will have to run as a “write-in” candidate.

How Are Association Officers Elected?
As a reminder, the upcoming election is only for a seat on the Board; and a term on the Board is for three years.

According to our By-Laws, Officers of the Association are elected or appointed by the Board for a one-year appointment, after the annual meeting.

With two exceptions (Pres. and V.P.), an Association Officer need not be a member of the Board. The offices of Treasurer and Secretary can be held by any Association Member.

We Need Other Volunteers Too
We can always use help with various committees, (Landscaping, Design Review, and Enforcement).  We could use your time and talent to help our (and your) HOA.

If any HOA member wishes to volunteer their time and talent as an Association Officer or a committee member contact our HOA Manager or any Board member.
First Posted: September 26, 2024

New Officers for 2023

An organizational meeting was conducted immediately after the 2023 Annual Meeting to assign Officers of the Association for 2023.  They are as follows:

Board of Directors and Officers of the Association
Board Term
Vice PresidentHugh
Member at LargeJoe
Member at LargeTodd

Annual Meeting – Voting

Annual Meeting of the Association
Tuesday, January 31, 2023 5:00 PM
Oro Valley Library
Program Meeting Room

By now every member household has received the Association’s Annual Meeting Packet. Included in this packet is the ballot and ballot instructions.

Voting to approve or disapprove last year’s meeting minutes and voting for two Board of Directors members is done by ballot. Each member, one per Lot shall cast their vote.

Two names of candidates for the Board are on the ballot.
– Todd Fedoruk
– Todd Berson
You may also write-in a candidate name.

In accordance with A.R.S. §33-1812/1250, once you have completed your ballot, you must return it to the Association in one of the following manners:

(1) using the enclosed envelope and mail it;
(2) faxing to 520-742-­2618;
(3) emailing it to the Community Association
​      Manager –; or
(4) bringing it to the association office.

Ballots must be received by one of the forms above no later than January 30, 2023 in order to be counted.

The ballot is valid for only one specified meeting of the members and expires automatically after the completion of the meeting. The ballot does not authorize another person to cast votes on behalf of the member.


I.    Call to Order

II.   Proof of Call

III.  Establishment
      of Quorum

IV.   Welcome and

V.    Report from Officers

VI.   Announcement of
    Annual Meeting
    Minute Results

VII.  Announcement of
Election Results

VIII. Discussion of Budget

IX.   Q&A (Open Forum)

X.    Adjournment to Organizational

Originally Posted January 18, 2023 Edited to provide new information.

UPDATE: Call for Board of Director Candidates

Two Boards seats are “open” for 2023.  A mailing was sent to each Owner of the Lot, seeking candidates for these seats.  The time requirements for being a Director are minimal, yet the work is important.

The Deadline to Have Your Name on the Ballot has Passed
The deadline for having your name on the ballot in time for the Annual Meeting packet printing was November 30.  But the opportunity to be on the Board is still possible.

Anyone wishing to run for a seat on the Board will have to run as a “write-in” candidate. We can help you get the word out to the Association membership. Contact the HOA Secretary, Todd Fedoruk, to have your name and interest in running for Board Director, emailed to the Association’s membership. 

An election will be held, with ballots mailed to Association Members in early January 2023, as part of our Annual Meeting activities. The annual meeting is set for January 24, 2023, at 5:00PM, at the Oro Valley Public Library.

First Posted October 11, 2022

New Officers for 2021

An organizational meeting was conducted immediately after the Annual Meeting to assign Officers of the Association for 2021.  They are as follows:

Board of Directors and Officers of the Association

President – Derald Owens
Vice President – Ken Harry
Secretary/Treasurer – Todd Fedoruk
Member at Large – Hugh Mosher
Member at Large – Joe Recchio



Board Elections

Derald Owens and Hugh Mosher were elected to the HOA Board of Directors, at the annual meeting, held on January 25, 2021. Each received 21 votes. Congratulations to the both of you; and thank you for volunteering.

Board Vacancies for 2021

2021 brings two vacancies on our Board of Directors. The board terms for Derald Owens and Teri McDonough are ending, and an election will be held to fill these two seats.

Any HOA member wishing to serve on the Board is encouraged to contact any board member or our HOA Manager Maritza Sosa, by November 1st, to have your name placed on the ballot. State law requires HOA voting to be performed via mail-in ballot. One annual meeting packet will be mailed to the Lot Owner on record, in early December.



2019 Annual Meeting Concluded


  • Voting Results
    • Twenty-seven (27) ballots out of 64 returned, 42% turnout. 
    • Ken Harry re-elected to a 3-year term on the Board.
    • Joe Recchio elected to a 3-year term  on the Board
    • 2018 Meeting Minutes Approved by the Membership
  • 2019 Budget and 6% Assessment Rise Discussed
  • Miscellaneous 
    • Ownership and Maintenance of the “Naranja Strip” was Discussed
      • Asphalt Pathway – Golf Course
      • Land and Landscaping – The Association
    • 2019 Road Projects
      • Crack Sealing – Winter
      • Road Sealing – Summer

Vote! Annual Meeting Ballot

By now you have received your ballot for the Annual Meeting, which will be held on Thursday, January 24th, 5:45PM, at the Oro Valley Library. Sign-in is at 5:30 PM.

​We have two (2) vacancies on the Board of Directors, and two candidates vying for a seat on the Board. Remember, cumulative voting is not permitted; only one vote per candidate. Also, please keep in mind, write-in candidates are permitted.

If you haven’t already mailed in your ballot, please do so. Ballots must be received at the Cadden Management Offices by Noon, Thursday, January 24, 2019*, or brought to the Annual Meeting in person.

Lost your ballot? Download a replacment.

Thank you,
Todd Fedoruk
Secretary, HOA14 Eagles Bluff

*Note: There is a misprint on the ballot as to the day of the week of the mail-in deadline; it is supposed to read, Noon, Thursday, January 24, and not Noon, Monday, January 24.