Author Archives: trfedoruk

More ‘Trash Talk’

When is trash picked up?

Waste Management picks up our trash/garbage twice a week, on Tuesdays and Fridays, excluding holidays. The re-cycling pickup is only on Friday. When a holiday falls on a Monday, collection is usually shifted by one day, to Wednesday and Saturday of that week.

Garbage collection service is not part of your association dues. Each homeowner is responsible for obtaining an account with Waste Management. The frequency and type of service is up to you. This is done to minimize Association dues, and to avoid you having to pay for services you don’t need.

Container “etiquette” 

You are requested and required to follow these procedures on collection day:

  1. Place your container(s) at curb side no sooner than the evening before collection; and
  2. Keep your container accessible. Parked vehicles and other obstacles may prevent Waste Management from servicing the container.
  3. Promptly remove your container(s) from curb side after collection, no later than the morning (7AM) following collection day; and
  4. Store the container(s) either in your garage, side or back yard, behind the gate.
    It is the Board’s discretion that these three locations are considered as being “removed from view”.

Originally Posted: Aug. 2017

Prohibited Plants in Oro Valley

Did you know the Town of Oro Valley has a list of “good” and “bad” plants? Before you update your landscaping, you should check the list to ensure you don’t harbor any “felonius flora”. 

Existing, established plants, typically are “grandfathered”, unless they are classified as an invasive species, then check with the Town of Oro Valley if they should be removed. Or as I always say, “When in doubt, cut it out!”

Here is a quick list of plants to avoid:


  1. Any species of tree or shrub whose mature height may reasonably be expected to exceed 25 feet, with the exception of those indigenous plants, which may naturally exceed 25 feet.
  2. Olive trees (Olea europaea), will be prohibited for reasons of their profuse production of allergy-producing pollen. However, the “Swan Hill Olive” and the “Wilson Hill Olive” varieties may be used due to its non-flowering ,non-pollen producing status.
  3. Fountain Grass (Pennisetum setaceum) will be prohibited as a defined weed with the potential to spread throughout the Town and become a fire hazard.
  4. Common Bermuda Grass (Cynodon dactylon) will be prohibited as a defined weed and for its profuse production of allergy-producing pollen.
  5. Mexican Palo Verde (Parkinsonia aculeata) will be prohibited as harborer of pests and for its ability to spread throughout the Town thereby altering the present natural desert.
  6. Mulberry Trees (Morus) will be prohibited as noxious pollen producers.
  7. Desert Broom (Baccharis sarothroides) will be prohibited as a defined weed with the potential to spread throughout the Town.

Towing Contract Signed

The Board has signed a contract with A&B Towing, for future towing services involving vehicles parked in violation of the Association’s Parking Policy

Vehicle towing as an enforcement tool, will not become effective until the Board clarifies and updates the Resolution of the Board of Directors Regarding the Imposition of Fines, and provides sufficient notice of this enforcement tool to all owners and residents.

This process will take several weeks to implement.


Mailing List Update

We are trying to save printing costs and paper, by communicating to our association members and residents via this web site and email.  The link below will direct you to a form that will let you update your contact information.

Eagles Bluff Mailing List Update Form

Contact information is for the sole use of Eagles Bluff HOA. Eagles Bluff HOA will not distribute this information to other organizations.


Assoc. Officers for 2018

Board of Directors for 2018
In an organization meeting held immediately after the Annual Meeting, the board members, pursuant to the By-Laws of the Association, selected offices for 2018. They are:

Board of Directors and Officers of the Association
Board Term
Vice PresidentHugh
Member at LargeOPEN
Member at LargeOPEN

01-25-2018 Board Meeting Minutes

Annual Meeting Held

The annual meeting was held on January 25, 2018, at the Oro Valley Public Library. A total a five lots were represented, as well as thirteen mail-in ballots. This was only a 20% turnout for this meeting. A poor showing.  

Derald Owen was re-elected to the Board. Terry McDonough was elected with write-in ballots. One board seat remains vacant.

Special thanks to Larry Farnam for his work on the Landscaping Committee and to Betty Anne Hightower for her service on the Board. 

01-25-2018 Annual Meeting Minutes – Pending Approval

Solar Panels

Many of you may have begun to see solar panels appearing atop rooftops in the neighborhood.  You might be wondering if this is permitted by the Association’s CC&Rs.  The short answer is ‘Yes’.

The Solar Access Rights Law, Passed by the Arizona Legislature in 1979, prevents HOAs from banning rooftop solar systems. Ground-based solar systems are not permitted. State law still allows HOAs the ability to influence where solar devices may be installed; as long as the placement of such devices does not significantly increase the cost of installation or significantly decrease the device’s efficiency.

Homeowners are still required to submit a Property Improvement Request (PIR) Form BEFORE any work is performed. PIRs and Board approval are required for most external modifications to your home.  Consult the ARC Page for more details