Author Archives: Thaddeus Fedoruk

Call for Board Candidates

Call for Board Candidates
The Board of Directors is seeking candidates for one “open” Board seat in 2025. Any HOA member wishing to volunteer their time and talents by serving of the Board of Directors, is encouraged to contact our HOA Secretary, Todd Fedoruk. This is your opportunity to help our community and shape our HOA governance.

You can submit your candidacy by submitting filling out this on-line form. Board Candidacy Submittal Form
How Are Association Officers Elected?
According to our By-Laws, Officers of the Association are elected or appointed by the Board for a one-year appointment, after the annual meeting.

With two exceptions (Pres. and V.P.), an Association Officer need not be a member of the Board. The offices of Treasurer and Secretary can be held by any Association Member.

We Need Other Volunteers Too
We can always use help with various committees, (Landscaping, Design Review, and Enforcement).  We could use your time and talent to help our (and your) HOA.

If any HOA member wishes to volunteer their time and talent as an Association Officer or a committee member contact our HOA Manager or any Board member.
First Posted: September 26, 2024 Updated: February 6, 2025

Board Approves 6% Hike in 2025 Annual Dues

The Board of Directors at the October 8th meeting approved a 6% increase in the annual association membership assessment for 2025. While annual inflation is expected to be near 3%, additional funds are needed in our Capital Reserve.   The 2025 assessment is $350 dollars per lot, that’s a quarterly payment of $87.50.  This is an increase from the 2024 annual assessment by $20 per Lot.

Why is the 6% Increase Necessary?
The increase is necessary to address inflationary increases in goods and services, as well as to provide an increased rate of funding to the Capital Reserve. Road maintenance is scheduled for 2027, and the schedule of required funds for this capital expense needs to stay ahead of the pace with inflation, to avoid a special assessment for road maintenance.

Where does the money go?
Our three greatest expenses are Management Fees (31%), Reserve Funding (26%), and the Landscaping costs (24%), respectively.  Three-quarters of our annual dues are allocated to managing the business of the HOA and landscaping services for the common areas; the last quarter goes to the Reserve Fund. 

Board Meeting Agenda Oct 8

Eagles Bluff HOMEOWNERS’ ASSOCIATION – Oro Valley, Arizona
Board Meeting – Tuesday, October 8, 2024 5:00 PM
Oro Valley Public Library – 1305 W Naranja Drive

DRAFT Agenda



  • Directors
  • Management Representative

The requirement is Three (3) Directors to be present.


​MOTION: Approve the minutes of the 11/07/2023 Board Meeting.


  • President’s Report
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Manager’s Report


  • As brought forth


  • 2025 Budget

    ​MOTION: Approve the 2025 Budget
  • Capital Reserve Forecast
  • Call for Candidates
  • Fall Community Garage Sale


    To proceed with the Community Sponsored Garage Sale on Saturday, October 26, 2024 from 7AM – NOON​ 
  • As brought forth



Barking Dog. Who you gonna call?

You have a neighbor with a barking dog. Dogs bark, that’s what they do; but when the noise becomes excessive, your first impulse may be to call a Board member or complain to our management company; that is not going to resolve the problem.  While the CC&Rs address this type of nuisance, the Board is powerless to resolve this issue in a timely manner. 

Your best course of action, after talking with the dog’s owner yields no resolution, is to contact the Oro Valley Police non-emergency telephone number 520-229-4900, and lodge a noise complaint.  In the past, animal noise nuisances have been difficult and timely to resolve. The Town has recently enacted revised regulations (Town Code Article 18-8) to address the long lag time from complaint to resolution.

While it is always best to reach an amiable solution to a barking dog with your neighbor, you do have a legal means to seek a remedy when all else fails.

BTW – The same holds true for a noisy neighbor. The Town of Oro Valley has a general noise ordinance (Town Code Article 10-1-4), and those noise complaints should also be directed to the Oro Valley Police non-emergency telephone number 520-229-4900.

Originally Published: April 10, 2019

2024 Annual Meeting Minutes (Draft)

Date:            January 23, 2024 5:00 PM
Location:     Oro Valley Public Library – Program Room

Call to Order

The Annual Meeting of Canada Hills Village 14, Eagles Bluff Homeowners’ Association was called to order at 5:00 PM.

Proof of Call
The meeting notice, agenda, and ballot were mailed to each owner of the lot by the HOA Property Manager from Cadden Community Management.

Additionally, the meeting notice and agenda were posted on the Association’s website and emailed to members and residents of Eagles Bluff HOA, who had submitted their email addresses to the Association Secretary. An ‘A’ frame meeting notice was also posted at both community mailboxes three days before the meeting.

Establishment of a Quorum
In accordance with the governing documents, the presence at the meeting of members entitled to cast 10% of the votes of each class of membership shall constitute a quorum for any action except as otherwise provided in the Articles of Incorporation, the Declaration, or these Bylaws. There are 64 Lots in the community – which means 7 Lots require representation in person or by mail-in ballot:

There are 7 Lots represented in person and 24 Lots by mail-in ballots.

In-Person Attendance

Board Members and Officers

  • President – Derald Owens
  • Secretary/Treasurer – Todd Fedoruk
  • Member at Large – Joe Recchio

Management Representative

  • Alexis Enos – Cadden Community Management


  • Stan LaVelle
  • Betty Anne Hightower
  • Braden Monson
  • Betty Monson
  • Pam Owens
  • Nancy Recchio
  • Anne Williams

With a quorum of directors being established, and (24) twenty-four of (64) sixty-four ballots being submitted via US Mail to Cadden Community Management; a quorum of the membership being reached as well, the annual meeting proceeded.

Ballot Results

  • Approve 2023 Annual Meeting Minutes:  22 -Yes,  0-No 
  • Elect Derald Owens to the Board:             24 – Yes, 0 – No
  • Elect Hugh Mosher to the Board:              22 – Yes, 0 – No

No other candidates were listed on the ballot, and no write-in candidates were submitted. 

President’s Report
The community’s appearance looks fine. Some parking violations occasionally arise, that the Board will address.

Treasurer’s Report
All homeowners were sent a copy of the approved 2024 Budget. As stated in the budget summary, the 5.8% increase was necessary to address rising costs for fixed and operational expenses.  

Our 2023 expenses were below budget, resulting in a modest net income. A portion of that income will be deposited into the Reserve Capital Account. As in previous years, our three top expenses remain:

  • Management Fees:       33%
  • Capital Reserve Fund:  23%
  • Landscaping:                  26% 

 Homeowner Input

  • Interest was expressed in having some sort of street party or a simple community ‘meet and greet’ gathering. The location of which would be at the intersection of Sand Pebble and Sand Pointe Drives, or at the southern end of Desert Flower Drive. Both locations have a cul-de-sac that might accommodate this gathering.

The Board considers this to be an excellent idea and welcomes any homeowner who will volunteer to chair and organize a committee to propose of plan to the Board for this gathering.

  • Little Free Library – Interest was expressed to provide a ‘Little Free Library’ and a community bulletin board at one or both existing mailbox stations.

The Board considers this idea has merit and again welcomes any homeowner who will volunteer to chair and organize a committee to propose a project plan and cost to the Board for review. This matter has been tabled until that time.

  • Garage Sales – A suggestion was made to eliminate the community-sponsored Spring and Fall garage sales, due to low participation by the community. Canceling these scheduled sales in favor of ad-hoc sales would reduce unwanted and unnecessary vehicular traffic.

The Board agrees sponsoring and advertising a garage sale online with little or no community participation is of little value. The community-sponsored garage sales have been suspended in past years for this very reason. 

In the meantime, the Board will email the membership to determine whether the May 4th, Spring Garage Sale should be held or cancelled.

Editor’s Note: Our resolution “2007-01 Policy and Restrictions on Garage Sales” sought to avoid the possibility of ‘monthly’ ad-hoc garage sales, yet still allow garage sales to occur as needed. Refer to this resolution for further explanation.

  • Stop Signs
    • A homeowner has requested the stop sign located at Sand Pebble and Desert Flower Drive be replaced. The homeowner claims the sign is faded.

The Board will look into the request. 

    • A concern was raised about golf carts racing across the Desert Flower Drive intersection without regard for vehicular traffic. The small golf course ‘Stop’ sign painted on a rock is insufficient to alert golfers to stop at this intersection. A request was raised to post a proper ‘Stop’ sign on the East and West sides of this intersection.

The Board has requested our Cadden HOA Manager to contact the Town-owned golf course management and request that two ‘Stop’ signs be posted at the golf path and Desert Flower Drive intersection.

Adjournment to the Annual Meeting
The meeting was adjourned at 5:50 PM

The meeting commenced at 5:50 PM. 

In-Person Attendance

Board Members and Officers

  • President – Derald Owens
  • Secretary/Treasurer – Todd Fedoruk
  • Member at Large – Joe Recchio

Management Representative

  • Alexis Enos – Cadden Community Management

The Board agreed the officer assignments for 2024 will remain unchanged from the previous year. They are as follows:


  • President – Derald Owens
  • Hugh Mosher – Vice President
  • Secretary/Treasurer – Todd Fedoruk
  • Member at Large – Joe Recchio
  • Member at Large – Todd Berson

Adjournment to the Organizational Meeting
The meeting adjourned at 6:00 PM

Paying Your HOA Dues

Update to the Alliance Bank Fee Structure for Paying your HOA Dues

From Cadden Community Management to all Eagles Bluff HOA Homeowners

2024 Alliance Fees Update

We’d like to ensure everyone is aware of changes in fees implemented by Alliance Bank. We apologize that notice was not sent in advance of the changes going into effect.

On January 1, 2024, a $0.25 processing fee was implemented for recurring payments facilitated through the Alliance Bank payment portal. The $0.25 fee takes effect when you log in to your Alliance/ Cadden Connect payment portal and acknowledge this update when prompted.

The breakdown of processing fees for payments made through the Alliance portal are as follows:

  • $0.25 for recurring eChecks,
  • $2.00 for a one-time eCheck,
  • 3.5% for a credit card, or
  • $5.00 for a debit card.

While this is a valued service and the most efficient way to deposit funds directly into the Association’s operating account. There are other methods where a fee is not applied, such as

  1. Mailing your payment to the following Las Vegas address or 
  2. Setting up online bill payment through your own financial institution using the following
    Las Vegas address:

Canada Hills Village 14
c/o Cadden Community Management
PO Box 94737
Las Vegas, NV 89193-4737

Thank you,
For Cadden Community Management,

Board Approves 5.8% Assessment Hike for 2024

The Board of Directors at the November 7th meeting approved a 5.8% increase in the annual association membership assessment for 2024.  The 2024 assessment is $330 dollars per household, that’s a quarterly payment of $82.50.  This is an increase from the 2023 assessment by $4.50/quarter. 

Why is the Increase Necessary?
The increase is necessary to address inflationary increases in goods and services, as well as to provide increased funding to the Capital Reserve Fund.

Where does the money go?
Our three greatest expenses are the Management Fee (32%), Reserve Funding (24%), and the Landscaping costs (22%), respectively.  Three-quarters of our annual dues are allocated to managing the business of the HOA and landscaping services for the common areas; the last quarter goes to the Reserve Fund.  Road maintenance is scheduled for 2027, and the schedule of required funds for this capital expense has not been keeping pace with inflation.

Minutes BOD 11-07-2023


  • Board approves a 5.8% increase in the annual dues to address inflationary increases to goods and services; as well as increasing funding to the capital reserve.
    The 2024 Dues are now $82.50 per quarter; a $4.50 increase.
  • Capital reserve study planned for mid-year.
  • Delequent payments of homeowner dues approach $1,000 dollars. Approximately 17% of the homeowners in the Association.
  • Board approves motion to remove late and miscellaneous charges to homeowners’ AR accounts to encourage dues payments before December 31,2023. Many of these charges are the result of difficulties with using Cadden’s new payment system. 
  • Annual Meeting is set for January 23, 2024, 5PM, at the Oro Valley Library

Meeting Minutes

New HOA Manager

With the transfer of Jose Becerra to other responsibilities at Cadden Management, we have been assigned Alexis Enos as our new HOA Manager. Her contact information is:

Email: Alexis Enos, HOA Manager

Phone: (520) 297-0797
FAX:      (520) 742-2618
For after hours assistance please call:  520-408-4561

New Design Guidelines

The Cañada Hills Community Association (CHCA aka the Master Association) has updated their guidance and approval process for exterior modifications. These changes are effective immediately. The link below details that process.

Design Guidelines – Standards and Modifications to the Exterior of Existing Homes.

As a reminder, modifications to the exterior property, with a few exceptions, must be approved by both the Eagles Bluff Design Review Committee AND the CHCA DRC. To streamline this approval process, Eagles Bluff follows the CHCA guidance, unless the proposed modification uniquely impacts negatively on our neighbors. Refer to the following document to familiarize yourself with our approval process.

Eagles Bluff Design Review Process

The following form incorporates both Eagles Bluff DRC and CHCA DRC submittal information. Both are required for any external modifications requiring DRC review.

Property Improvement Form

The primary responsibility of the Design Review Committee (formerly known as the (Architectural Review Committee and the Architectural Control Committee ) is to advise and assist the Board of Directors in preserving the harmonious architectural and appearance of Eagles Bluff; and in protecting the values of property within our community.

The Eagles Bluff Declaration of Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions (CC&Rs) Article VIII, requires that all improvements, changes and alterations which change the exterior appearance of any property within Eagles Bluff, Cañada Hills Village 14 must be reviewed and approved by the ‘Architectural Control Committee’. The Eagles Bluff committee was renamed the ‘Design Review Committee’ (DRC), to follow the same naming convention that is used by the Canada Hills Community Association’s Design Review Committee. The CHCA DRC has overall responsibility for reviewing and approving exterior changes to homeowner’s property throughout the twenty-one Villages of Cañada Hills.