If your question is not answered here, try the ‘Search’ feature
or contact us.

Also refer to the Documents Section for all existing Rules and Regulations of the Association, as well as past newsletters.

Can I have solar panels installed on my house?

Can I rent my house using services like Airbnb or VRBO?

Can I park on the streets?

Can I have a basketball standard (hoop) over my garage or a portable one in my front yard?

What’s with the lock and chain on the gate along Naranja Drive?

When is garbage/trash picked up?

How much are the association dues and how are they used?

How much do Board members get paid?

Is it true that I need approval to make any change to my house?

Are only “Approved” paint colors allowed for my house?

What gives? The Board or some Committee has the right to tell me what I can’t do with my house and my yard?

How am I assigned a mailbox and a set of keys?


Can I have solar panels installed on my house?

The Solar Access Rights Law, Passed by the Arizona Legislature in 1979, prevents HOAs from banning rooftop solar systems. Ground-based solar systems are not permitted. State law still allows HOAs the ability to influence where solar devices may be installed; as long as the placement of such devices does not significantly increase the cost of installation or significantly decrease the device’s efficiency.

Homeowners are still required to submit a Property Improvement Request (PIR) Form BEFORE any work is performed. Design Review and Approval is required for any solar installation to your home. Consult the Design Review Page for more details.

Can I rent my house using services like Airbnb and VRBO?

The short answer is “No”. While Arizona state law ARS § 9-500.39, prohibits cities and towns from placing limits on short-term vacation housing rentals; at present, there is no statute in Arizona that prohibits private regulation by CC&Rs of vacation rentals. 

Section 9.02 Renting, of our CC&Rs requires a minimum rental period of thirty (30) days. Additionally, a copy of the rental agreement must be provided to the Association. Renters and guests are subject to the rules and restrictions of the Association.  .

How much are the association dues and how are they used?

Association dues are used for providing professional management of the Association, landscaping services for the common areas, and capital funding for the expense of maintaining our private streets.

For 2025, each homeowner will be assessed $87.50/Quarter; that’s an annual cost of $350 dollars per Lot. The $20 dollar annual increase over the 2024 dues is to meet inflation related cost increases, and an increase in funding our capital reserves.
See the 2025 Budget Announcement.

Reserve Transfers23%24%26%26%
Fixed Expenses8%7%7%7%

Canada Hills Community Association (CHCA)
Eagles Bluff HOA is also known as “Village 14” in the multi-village Cañada Hills Planned Community. In addition to our local association dues, which only fund our operations; the Cañada Hills Community Association (formerly known as the “Master” Association), assesses each homeowner lot to fund their activities.  The CHCA dues for 2023 are $118/year. That fee is used for landscaping common areas and streets belonging to the Master Community, not to the any Village or the Town of Oro Valley.    

How much do Board members get paid?

Members of the Board of Directors, officers and committee chairs, volunteer their time. How about lending us a hand? We can always use the help and new ideas. 

Can I have a basketball standard (hoop) over my garage or a portable one in my front yard?

The short answer is ‘No’. Both Eagles Bluff and The Canada Hills Commumity Association (CHCA) rules do not permit basketball standards (hoops) to be mounted over garages that face the street. While the CHCA guidelines allow portable standards to be used in front and backyards, Eagles Bluff Bluff HOA does not permit any fixed or portable basketball standards to be used or stored in public view, anywhere, any time. Resolution #2005-02 Basketball Standards and Basketball Hoops – Prohibitions.  

Is it true that I need approval to make any change to my house?

Not necessarily. Before April 2003, ALL modifications to the exterior of your home required a two-step approval. 

  1. A review by your Eagles Bluff Design Review Committee (DRC);
  2. A review by the Cañada Hills Design Review Committee (DRC)

After April 2003, certain modifications that clearly meet Cañada Hills Association Design Review Committee Guidelines AND Eagles Bluff’s CC&R’s and rules do not require prior approval.  To simplify the approval process, Eagles Bluff HOA follows the CHCA DRC’s guidelines, with only a few exceptions.

This can be confusing, so our recommendation is to check with any Board member well before proceeding with any modification to the exterior of your property. 

Remember, if your design modification requires a review and approval by the Cañada Hills Design Review Committee (DRC), it must first be reviewed by your local Eagles Bluff DRC.  Refer to the following link: Design Review Process, for more information

Whenever in doubt, contact a Board member or our HOA Manager for details.

What gives? The Board or some Committee has the right to tell me what I can’t do with my house and my yard?

Three documents actually, that you signed at closing, acknowledging your obligations to the CC&R’s, By-Laws and Rules of the Association;

  1. The Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs), a document defining the Association and basic rules and standards for the Association’s Board and members.  Membership is automatic and mandatory when you purchase a house in this community; 
  2. The Association By-Laws and Rules, which further define how the Association must be run; and
  3. The Planned Unit Development (PUD) Rider. 

These restrictions are not meant as an inconvenience or an invasion of a homeowner’s freedom, but rather as a means of maintaining harmony and property values in our community.

Can I park on the streets?

The short answer is “No”.  Our Association’s CC&Rs severely restrict parking on the streets and driveways within the community. That said, the Board of Directors, at its discretion, has allowed limited parking within the community. Refer to the following resolution #2017-01 Parking Policy and Regulations for full details.

State Law ARS 33-1809 permits emergency responder vehicles such as an ambulance or EMT truck, and public utilities, to park on private property and public/City-owned streets; they are absolved from a homeowners’ association parking restrictions.

The emergency responder must register their vehicle with the HOA Manager to qualify for this parking regulation exemption.

What’s with the lock and chain on the gate along Naranja Drive?

This gate and the passageway leading to it between Lots 6 and 7, reside on private property. According to the Rural Metro Deputy Fire Marshall, property owners are permitted to lock the gate as well as deny public access to their private property.

Parents are requested to instruct their children to stop using this passageway, respect the property rights of their neighbors and use the main entrance on Desert Flower Drive to reach Naranja.

When is garbage picked up?

Garbage collection days are on Tuesdays and Fridays, excluding holidays. The recycling pickup is only on Friday.  When a holiday falls on collection day, pickup is moved to Wednesday and Saturday of that week.  

The Association has signed a community-wide, exclusive service agreement, with Waste Management. This agreement is to limit the frequency heavy truck traffic on our streets.  All owners and occupants are required to use Waste Management for collection services. 

Garbage collection service is not part of your association dues. This permits each homeowner to customize the level of collection service and cost that is most appropriate for them.  Each homeowner or resident is responsible for obtaining an account with Waste Management. Refer to the 08-September 2017 letter to Homeowners and Occupants on this topic as well as the Association’s Trash Collection Policy.

Container “etiquette” 

You are requested and required to follow these procedures on collection day:

  1. Place your container(s) at curb side no sooner than the evening before collection.
  2. Keep your container accessible. Parked vehicles and other obstacles may prevent Waste Management from servicing the container.
  3. Promptly remove your container(s) from curb side after collection, no later than the morning following collection day.
  4. Store the container(s) either in your garage, side or back yard, behind the gate.
    It is the Board’s discretion that these three locations are considered as being “removed from view”. 

How am I assigned a mailbox and a set of keys?

The HOA has never had the responsibility of assigning mailboxes or issuing or replacing mailbox keys. The mailboxes in the community are owned and maintained by the US Postal Service, and they assign boxes and keys to the property owner.

It is the property owner’s responsibility to contact our local USPS Office for assistance.

Our local USPS Office is located at:
11900 N La Canada Dr
Oro Valley, AZ 85737
Phone: 520-229-0320