Category Archives: Trash Collection

Policies and issues pertaining to trash collection.

More ‘Trash Talk’

When is trash picked up?

Waste Management picks up our trash/garbage twice a week, on Tuesdays and Fridays, excluding holidays. The re-cycling pickup is only on Friday. When a holiday falls on a Monday, collection is usually shifted by one day, to Wednesday and Saturday of that week.

Garbage collection service is not part of your association dues. Each homeowner is responsible for obtaining an account with Waste Management. The frequency and type of service is up to you. This is done to minimize Association dues, and to avoid you having to pay for services you don’t need.

Container “etiquette” 

You are requested and required to follow these procedures on collection day:

  1. Place your container(s) at curb side no sooner than the evening before collection; and
  2. Keep your container accessible. Parked vehicles and other obstacles may prevent Waste Management from servicing the container.
  3. Promptly remove your container(s) from curb side after collection, no later than the morning (7AM) following collection day; and
  4. Store the container(s) either in your garage, side or back yard, behind the gate.
    It is the Board’s discretion that these three locations are considered as being “removed from view”.

Originally Posted: Aug. 2017

Trash Collection – Preferred Vendor

There has been some recent confusion and misinformation concerning the Association’s policy on the preferred vendor for trash collection.  Waste Management has been the Association’s preferred vendor, since the late 1990’s.  A single vendor was selected to reduce the number pickup days and their heavy trucks rolling on our streets.  A policy has been written and approved by the Board of Directors to clarify this subject.

The membership also decided to keep any contract for services between Waste Management and the homeowner; this allows for greater flexibility of services to the homeowner, without increasing Association dues to cover trash collection, and having members pay for services they were not using.  The monthly rate for one (1) trash and one (1) recycle pickup is $12.25 + taxes and fees, ($15.45).

HOA14 Trash Collection Letter 20170908

#2017-02 Trash Collection Policy